Larson Aesthetics:
Face Services

Welcome to Larson Aesthetics, where we specialize in facial surgical enhancements crafted to elevate your natural beauty and confidence. Our practice is committed to offering bespoke solutions tailored to meet your individual aesthetic aspirations. With advanced expertise in the artistry of face and neck lifts, the subtlety of blepharoplasty, and the transformative effects of facial fat transfer, Dr. Larson provides a comprehensive range of facial procedures designed to rejuvenate and refine your appearance. Explore our selection below and begin your journey towards timeless beauty with our expert guidance and attention to detail.

Welcome to Larson Aesthetics, where we specialize in facial surgical enhancements crafted to elevate your natural beauty and confidence. Our practice is committed to offering bespoke solutions tailored to meet your individual aesthetic aspirations. With advanced expertise in the artistry of face and neck lifts, the subtlety of blepharoplasty, and the transformative effects of facial fat transfer, Dr. Larson provides a comprehensive range of facial procedures designed to rejuvenate and refine your appearance. Explore our selection below and begin your journey towards timeless beauty with our expert guidance and attention to detail.


Facelift: Experience transformative facelift procedures at Larson Aesthetics, where Dr. John Larson, our board-certified plastic surgeon, specializes in rejuvenating your appearance with precision and care. While there are many types of facelifts, in general, facelift is a surgical procedure that has the power to help reverse the signs of aging by removing excess fat, tightening underlying muscles, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, and re-draping the face and neck skin. Facelifts may be performed alone or in conjunction with a brow lift, eyelid rejuvenation, facial fat transfer, chin implant, and/or laser resurfacing. Each facelift is meticulously tailored to address your unique concerns and goals, providing natural-looking results that enhance your confidence and beauty. Restore youthful contours, smooth wrinkles, and achieve a refreshed appearance with our expert techniques. Schedule a consultation today to embark on your journey towards renewed confidence and timeless beauty.

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  • SMAS Facelift: The SMAS is a deep fibromuscular layer that provides the structural support for the face. With time and gravity, it ultimately stretches and descends and needs to be repositioned and tightened back to its original position. Following the tightening of the SMAS, Dr. Larson then redrapes the skin in a way that provides a natural, more youthful appearance.
  • Deep Plane Facelift: The deep plane facelift is similar to the SMAS facelift, with a few key differences. While the SMAS facelift lifts the SMAS back to its original position, the deep plane facelift goes below the SMAS layer to address a wider area of laxity. The deep plane also releases ligaments that anchor the SMAS layer down, allowing the tissue to be lifted and resuspended in a dramatic fashion. This results in a more substantial lift that provides natural-results that last longer than a traditional facelift.
  • Mini Facelift: This is a modified version of a full facelift procedure. A mini facelift is a great way to be proactive and address the early signs of aging. It uses shorter incisions than a typical facelift, and can be a great option for patients who have mild laxity. This procedure is often combined with adjuvant skin tightening procedures to further elevate the results. Dr. Larson performs the mini facelift with limited incisions that are shorter than a traditional facelift, but still allows him to manipulate the skin and tissue with a high degree of precision. The mini facelift is ideal for those with limited laxity in the lower face and neck. For patients with more extensive aging and more excess skin, a full facelift option is often best. These incisions, although longer, are well hidden and difficult to see.
  • Revision Facelift: If you’ve had a previous facelift operation, but are unsatisfied with your result, a revision facelift can improve your result. Dr. Larson takes a very individualized approach to address the problems with your initial facelift. Sometimes not enough skin was removed during the initial facelift, or the structural underlying tissue of the face (SMAS/facial muscles) was not properly addressed. Other problems include poor scarring, asymmetry, pulled earlobes, or other contour abnormalities. During your consultation, Dr. Larson will provide you with a comprehensive plan that addresses your areas of concern.

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Restore a youthful and defined neckline with a neck lift performed by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. John Larson, MD at Larson Aesthetics in Newport Beach, CA. A neck lift is a surgical procedure designed to address sagging skin, excess fat, and muscle banding in the neck area, resulting in a more rejuvenated and harmonious facial profile. This transformative procedure expertly addresses common concerns such as skin laxity, wrinkles, horizontal neck bands, double chin, and the infamous “turkey neck.” At Larson Aesthetics, we understand that each patient is unique, which is why Dr. Larson takes a personalized approach to every neck lift procedure. Dr. Larson specializes in facial plastic surgery, with particular emphasis on facelifts and neck lifts. During your consultation, Dr. Larson will carefully assess your concerns and aesthetic goals to create a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. Common techniques may include removing excess skin, tightening underlying muscles, and repositioning soft tissues to create a smoother and more defined neckline. While a neck lift can be performed on its own, the procedure is often performed in combination with a facelift. Whether you seek to reduce the appearance of neck wrinkles, improve jawline definition, or address neck laxity, Dr. Larson will tailor your neck lift to meet your individual needs and aesthetic goals. Take the first step towards a more rejuvenated and confident you by scheduling your neck lift consultation with Dr. Larson today. 

Achieve a sleeker and more defined jawline with submental liposuction performed by Dr. John Larson, MD, our board-certified plastic surgeon at Larson Aesthetics in Newport Beach, CA. Submental liposuction, also known as neck liposuction or chin liposuction, is a minimally invasive procedure designed to remove excess fat deposits beneath the chin and in the neck area, resulting in a more sculpted and youthful appearance. The procedure can often be performed in-office using only local numbing medicine, but can also be performed as an adjuvant or standalone option in the surgery center using anesthesia. Dr. Larson utilizes tiny incisions hidden under the earlobes and under the chin, and uses advanced liposuction techniques to precisely target and gently remove excess fat from the submental area. With his expertise and attention to detail, Dr. Larson achieves natural-looking and harmonious results that enhance your facial profile. Take the first step towards a more confident and refined appearance by scheduling your neck liposuction consultation at Larson Aesthetics.

Rejuvenate your eyes and restore your youthful appearance with an eyelid lift at Larson Aesthetics in Newport Beach, CA. As a specialist in facial plastic surgery, Dr. Larson enhances the contours of the eyelids with precision and expertise. Also known as blepharoplasty, an eyelid lift is a procedure designed to remove excess skin and fat and reposition muscle from the upper and/or lower eyelids, reducing puffiness and sagging for a more refreshed look. During your consultation, Dr. Larson will carefully evaluate your concerns and aesthetic goals to develop a personalized treatment plan to rejuvenate your eyes. Using advanced surgical techniques, Dr. Larson can address drooping eyelids, under eye bags, excess skin, and wrinkles. While the procedure can be performed as a stand alone procedure, it is often added in combination with other procedures such as a facelift. Take the first step towards achieving brighter, more youthful eyes by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Larson today. 

If you’ve been contemplating a solution for the subtle but bothersome signs of aging like sagging brows, horizontal brow lines, or furrows, a brow lift procedure may be an option to consider. Brow ptosis, or sagging of the eyebrows, can contribute to a tired or aged appearance, often caused by aging, genetics, and sun exposure. A brow lift at Larson Aesthetics in Newport Beach, CA can offer you a realistic solution. During your consultation with Dr. Larson, he will assess your concerns and discuss pertinent anatomical details, such as the position of your eyebrows and the degree of ptosis, to determine the most appropriate surgical approach. Common techniques may involve removing excess skin, tightening underlying muscles, and repositioning the brows to create a more youthful and refreshed look. Dr. Larson is dedicated to providing personalized care and achieving natural-looking results that enhance your unique features. Take the first step towards a more youthful and vibrant appearance by scheduling your consultation with Dr. Larson today.

This surgical procedure shortens the space between the nose and the top of the lip. Over time, the top lip can begin to sag or even roll inwards toward the teeth, making the entire face appear older. A lip lift can elevate the top lip and enhance the appearance of the face. Unlike lip fillers, the procedure is permanent. An upper lip lift shortens and improves the distance between the top lip and the nose, pulling up the lip to show more of the teeth, while a corner lip lift can help permanent frowning. Dr. Larson uses only local numbing medicine for the procedure, which can be performed in-office or added to another facial procedure.

  • Lip Reduction: While most clients desire fuller lips, some patients struggle with lips that are too large, asymmetric, or unbalanced. Dr. Larson meticulously reduces excess volume in the lips, corrects lips that are asymmetric, or those that present with different fullness in the top and bottom lip. This procedure is often performed in-office using local anesthesia.

If you’re seeking a more balanced facial appearance or wish to address a weak or recessed chin, consider the transformative option of chin augmentation at Larson Aesthetics in Newport Beach, CA. A chin augmentation has the ability to skillfully refine the size and shape of your chin, creating a harmonious appearance that compliments your nose and overall facial structure. Dr. Larson is here to provide you with personalized solutions that align with your aesthetic goals, from chin implants to non-surgical options like dermal fillers. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Larson today and start the journey towards a more confident you.

Losing volume around the eyes, cheeks, and other parts of the face can make you look more tired and older than you feel. You can change this by filling problem areas with small injections of your own fat. For this procedure, your fat is collected using liposuction in areas you have excess fat like the thighs. The fat is then purified and carefully injected where needed. This procedure is effective for filling deep facial lines, sunken cheeks, sunken eyes, descended brows, nasolabial fold, deflated lips, and the hollow crease in front of the jowls. 

Otoplasty, or ear surgery, is a procedure that corrects ear deformities, injuries and aesthetic concerns. Ear surgery can treat protruding ears, pointy ears, sagging earlobes, cleft earlobes, and other ear deformities. The procedure can improve ear symmetry, reshape ears that stick out, and create more facial harmony. Dr. Larson performs ear surgery on adults as well as children as young as 5 years old with parental consent, which can help reduce teasing or bullying for school-aged children.

Refine your nasal appearance with rhinoplasty revision by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. John Larson, MD at Larson Aesthetics in Newport Beach, CA. Rhinoplasty revision, also known as secondary rhinoplasty, is a specialized surgical procedure designed to address dissatisfaction or complications resulting from a previous nose surgery. During your consultation with Dr. Larson, he will carefully evaluate your concerns and goals, as well as perform a comprehensive examination of your nasal anatomy to determine the most appropriate surgical approach for your rhinoplasty revision. Dr. Larson utilizes advanced surgical techniques and meticulous attention to detail to achieve natural-looking and harmonious results that complement your facial features. Whether you seek to refine the nasal tip, correct asymmetry, or address breathing difficulties, Dr. Larson will tailor your rhinoplasty revision to meet your individual needs and aesthetic goals. Schedule your consultation today to discuss achievable results with rhinoplasty revision at Larson Aesthetics in Newport Beach, CA.

Rejuvenate your appearance with a mid-face lift performed by Dr. John Larson, MD at Larson Aesthetics. As we age, the mid-face area can experience sagging and volume loss, resulting in a tired or aged appearance. A mid-face lift, also known as a cheek lift, is a procedure designed to restore youthful contours to the cheeks and under-eye area, addressing concerns like hollowed cheekbones and under-eye bags. During your consultation, Dr. Larson will evaluate your concerns and discuss pertinent anatomical details such as the position of the mid-face structures and the degree of volume loss, to determine the most appropriate surgical approach. Common techniques may involve lifting and repositioning the underlying facial skin and soft tissues, as well as restoring lost volume with fat grafting or fillers. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Larson at Larson Aesthetics in Newport Beach, CA, to take the first step towards a more refreshed and youthful appearance.